7 research outputs found

    Transition based synthesis with modular encoding of Petri nets into FPGAs

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    The paper describes a new method for the synthesis of the application specific logic controllers, targeted into the FPGA. The initial steps of the proposed control algorithm rely on the notion of a Petri net, which is an easy way to describe parallel processes. The algorithm is oriented on transition based logic description. It allows easy analysis of dynamics and functioning of the circuit. The logic circuit is also decomposed into logic blocks responsible for particular functions. It leads to the compact implementation with usage of different kind of logic elements like. Additionally such decomposition allows easy analysis of circuit

    Implementation of Algorithm of Petri Nets Distributed Synthesis into FPGA

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    In the paper an implementation of algorithm of Petri net array-based synthesis is presented. The method is based on decomposition of colored interpreted macro Petri net into subnets. The structured encoding of places in subnets is done of using minimal numbers of bits. Microoperations, which are assigned to places, are written into distributed and flexible memories. It leads to realization of a logic circuit in a two-level concurrent structure, where the combinational circuit of the first level is responsible for firing transitions, and the second level memories are used for generation of microoperations. This algorithm is implemented in C# and delivered as a stand alone library

    The influence of chlorine in indoor swimming pools on the composition of breathing phase of professional swimmers

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    Objectives: Swimming is one of the most popular forms of physical activity. Pool water is cleaned with chlorine, which - in combination with compounds contained in water - could form chloramines and trichloromethane in the swimmer’s lungs. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of swimming training in an indoor pool on the composition of swimmers’ respiratory phase metabolomics, and develop a system to provide basic information about its impact on the swimmer’s airway mucosa metabolism, which could help to assess the risk of secondary respiratory tract diseases i.e. sport results, condition, and health including lung acute and chronic diseases). Design: A group of competitive swimmers participated in the study and samples of their respiratory phase before training, immediately after training, and 2 h after training were assessed. Methods: Sixteen male national and international-level competitive swimmers participated in this study. Respiratory phase analysis of the indoor swimming pool swimmers was performed. Gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (GCMS) was used in the measurements. All collected data were transferred to numerical analysis for trends of tracking and mapping. The breathing phase was collected on special porous material and analyzed using GCMS headspace. Results: The obtained samples of exhaled air were composed of significantly different metabolomics when compared before, during and after exercise training. This suggests that exposition to indoor chlorine causes changes in the airway mucosa Conclusion: This phenomenon may be explained by occurrence of a chlorine-initiated bio-reaction in the swimmers’ lungs. The obtained results indicate that chromatographic exhaled gas analysis is a sensitive method of pulmonary metabolomic changes assessment. Presented analysis of swimmers exhaled air indicates, that indoor swimming may be responsible for airway irritation caused by volatile chlorine compounds and their influence on lung metabolism

    System of Optoelectronic Sensors for Breath Analysis

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    The paper describes an integrated laser absorption system as a potential tool for breath analysis for clinical diagnostics, online therapy monitoring and metabolic disorder control. The sensors operate basing on cavity enhanced spectroscopy and multi-pass spectroscopy supported by wavelength modulation spectroscopy. The aspects concerning selection of operational spectral range and minimization of interference are also discussed. Tests results of the constructed devices collected with reference samples of biomarkers are also presented. The obtained data provide an opportunity to analyse applicability of optoelectronic sensors in medical screening

    Exhaled air metabolome analysis for pulmonary arterial hypertension fingerprints identification - the preliminary study

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    Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare disease with a serious prognosis. The aim of this study was to identify biomarkers for PAH in the breath phase and to prepare an automatic classification method to determine the changing metabolome trends and molecular mapping. A group of 37 patients (F/M: 8/29 women, mean age 60.4 ± 10.9 years, BMI 27.6 ± 6.0 kg/m2) with diagnosed PAH were enrolled in the study. The breath phase of all the patients was collected on a highly porous septic material using a special patented holder PL230578, OHIM 002890789-0001. The collected air was then examined with gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The algorithms of Spectral Clustering, KMeans, DBSCAN, and hierarchical clustering methods were used to perform the cluster analysis. The identification of the changes in the ratio of the whole spectra of biomarkers allowed us to obtain a multidimensional pathway for PAH characteristics and showed the metabolome differences in the four subgroups divided by the cluster analysis. The use of GC/MS, supported with novel porous polymeric materials, for the breath phase analysis seems to be a useful tool in selecting bio-fingerprints in patients with PAH. The four metabolome classes which were obtained constitute novel data in the PAH population

    Wydarzenia i rocznice historyczne w obecnym województwie śląskim

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    Redakcja Zarania Śląskiego zwróciła się do 50 badaczy wywodzących się z różnych środowisk i pochodzących z różnych części naszego województwa z prośbą o odpowiedź na pytanie: „Jakie wydarzenia historyczne z perspektywy obecnego województwa śląskiego uznaje Pani/Pan za najważniejsze”? Prosiliśmy o wytypowanie pięciu najważniejszych wydarzeń oraz krótkie wyjaśnienie wyboru, pozostawiając autorom całkowitą swobodę w konstrukcji tekstu uzasadnienia. Sugerowaliśmy jedynie, by ograniczając się do terytorium obecnego województwa śląskiego, nie zawężać poszukiwań do ram czasowych, w których zostało ono stworzone. Respondenci wybrali wydarzenia tak różne, że trudno pokusić się o podsumowanie. Wyrażamy nadzieję, iż wnioski nasuwające się czytelnikowi przyczynią się do refleksji – a może wręcz wywołają dyskusję – nad skomplikowanymi dziejami regionu. Respondenci byli proszeni o sformułowanie krótkiej wypowiedzi. W tym miejscu publikujemy wersje skrócone tych tekstów, które przekraczały sugerowaną objętość. W Suplemencie znaleźć można wersje autorskie